Recovery coaches share some of the role of support coordinators but have a better understanding of mental health and the challenges faced by people with psychosocial disabilities and so can deliver more targeted coordination. They are only available to people with an NDIS plan and a primary diagnosis of psychosocial disability. Recovery looks different to different people.
A recovery coach will:
• Work on supporting you to be the best you can be through positive, hope-based recovery planning.
• Support the person with their recovery planning.
• Coach to increase recovery skills and personal capacity, including motivation, strengths, resilience and decision-making.
• Collaborate with the broader system of supports to ensure supports are recovery oriented.
• Support engagement with the NDIS, including support with plan implementation documentation and reporting.
• Recognise that psychosocial disability fluctuates and is not the same each day, but also that there are supports which people with psychosocial disability can use to improve their health.
He has come a long way since you have been on board. I always knew he would come around in time with the right people showing him he does have a voice and choices